Package org.obe.spi.model

Provides access to run-time process entities.


Interface Summary
ActivityInstance Holds the persistent state of an activity instance.
AttributedEntity Base interface for entities with attributes that are accessible via WAPI.
AttributeInstance Holds the persistent state of workflow relevant data.
PersistentIterator Supports persistent iteration over arbitrary content.
ProcessInstance Holds the persistent state of a workflow process instance.
WorkItem Holds the persistent state of a work item.

Class Summary
AbstractSystemAttribute Abstract base class for system attributes
AndJoinInstance Implements the logic and state of an AND-JOIN instance.
JoinInstance Stores the persistent state of an activity instance's join.
OrJoinInstance Implements the logic and state of an XOR-JOIN instance.

Exception Summary
AttributeReadOnlyException Indicates that the attribute is read-only.

Package org.obe.spi.model Description

Provides access to run-time process entities. Logo OBE-1.0 Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Adrian Price. All Rights Reserved.