Staging Properties


The staging properties are:

Property Default Value Description
as.dir /usr/local/jboss-4.0.1 A convenience for defining the as.* properties.
as.bin ${as.dir}/bin The name of the directory containing the app. server's start & stop commands.
as.client.jar ${as.dir}/client/jbossall-client.jar The name of the app. server's client jar file.
as.start The command to start the app. server (assumed to be in ${as.bin}). Required if server tests are to be run.
as.stop --shutdown The command to stop the app. server (assumed to be in ${as.bin}). Required if server tests are to be run.
cactus.contextURL http://localhost:8080/obeserver-tests The URL under which Cactus runs the internal server tests.
jdbc.classpath ${as.dir}/server/default/lib/
Path to the driver for use by the createdb script.
jdbc.driver com.mysql.jdbc.Driver JDBC driver class to use.
jdbc.url jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/obe JDBC URL for database.
db.type mysql Database type.
db.user obe Database user ID.
db.password obe Database password.
java.naming.factory.initial org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory The class name of the JNDI initial context factory.